Friday, October 8, 2010

Recent Research on Interactive Learning

This list of existing research and articles on interactivity in learning was put together by Janhavi Padture, Director of Research, Analysis and Strategy at Harbinger Knowledge Products. 
  1. Guidelines for Establishing Interactivity in Online Courses’ (Mark Mabrito,
  2. The Role of Interactivity in Web Based Educational Material’ (Laurie Brady, University of Wichita)
  3. Online Learning: Ways to make tasks Interactive’, (Denis Lander, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology)      
  4.  ‘Interactivity in Distance Learning” - USDLA Distance Learning Magazine (Vol 4 No. 1, 2007, Page 47-51)
  5. Impact of Interactive Learning on Knowledge Retention’ – (Human Interface and Management of Information Journal, Part 2, Symposium of Human Interface, Beijing, China, 2007, Pages 347-355)
  6.  The Importance of Interaction in Web Based Education – A program level Case Study of Online MBA courses’ (Indiana University, for Journal of Interactive Online Learning, Volume 4, Number 1 Summer 2005)
  7.   Map Interactivity- Exploring the Benefits in the Utah Studies Classroom’ (Whitney Fae Reynolds Taylor, Bringham Young University, Dept. of Geography, 2005)
  8.  Measuring the Effects and Effectiveness of Interactive Advertising’ (Paul Pavlou, David, Stewart, University of Southern California, Journal of Interactive Advertising, Vol 1 No 1 Fall 2000)
  9.  An Introduction to Digital Media’ (Tony Feldman, 1997, Routledge Publishers, NY, Pages 13-20)
  10. Interactive or Non-Interactive? That is the Question!!! An annotated Bibliography’ (Zirkin, Barbara; Sumler, David; Journal of Distance Education, v10 n1 p95-112 Spr 1995)  
Those of you interested in establishing the link between learning outcomes and interactivity will find this research useful.